
Climate change and biodiversity losses represent two of the biggest challenges of our time. Not only does climate change escalate biodiversity loss, but biodiversity loss also accelerates climate change, creating a vicious cycle.

Scientists agree that human behaviours are at the core of this vicious circle. And that only unprecedented human action at scale can fix it.

At the Climate Planet Foundation, our mission is to empower people to take action on climate change and biodiversity, creating a better future for mankind and the planet.

Read more about some of our projects below.

How we work

To achieve our mission, the Climate Planet Foundation invests in projects that can help transform the minds, hearts, and habits of people.

We are deeply preoccupied with what drives human behaviours – and what it takes to change them.

Enabled by the latest innovations in digital technology, we focus on empowering people with the knowledge, motivation, and tools they need to take concrete actions on climate and biodiversity challenges.

Our approach is opportunity-driven, agile and collaborative, and we are always open to new and ground-breaking ideas, where we can leverage our collective resources and insights to drive positive behavioural impacts at scale.

The Climate Science Course

The Climate Science Course is funded by Climate Planet Foundation. 

With five comprehensive, interactive 35-minute chapters offering a highly immersive and entertaining learning experience, this course offers more than personal development – it opens avenues for innovation, future-proofing and profound social change.

Join the course as an individual or a school and build the competences needed to engage in a dialog about the climate system.

My Climate Plan

We believe that education is the key to fostering a green future. This very purpose is the reason behind our foundation: Aiding projects - as well as people like you and me - on our journey to a sustainable future. 

My Climate Plan is a campaign, whose purpose is to convey climate change in a more comprehensible format, without compromising on the science behind it. The goal is to bring the climate crisis down to earth, and create change through the spreading of awareness. 

In partnership with the Danish climate movement Klimabevægelsen, as well as meteorologist Jesper Theilgaard, we seek to provide an accessible approach on how to reduce one’s carbon-footprint. 

AimHi Earth

Climate Planet Foundation supports AimHi Earth, a nonprofit-organisation providing accessible and engaging live, online climate training and education, curated for people and organisations, backed by data and delivered at scale.

AimHi Earth equips people and organisations with the essential understanding, skills and ideas to overcome the climate and nature crisis and ensure a healthier, fairer, more prosperous future.

Visit AimHi Earth to read more and subscribe to AimHi Earth's newsletter and stay up to date on what’s happening at AimHi Earth.

Breaking Boundaries

Breaking Boundaries tells the story of the most important scientific discovery of our time - that humanity has pushed Earth beyond the boundaries that have kept Earth stable for 10,000 years, since the dawn of civilisation.

The 75-minute film takes the audience on a journey of discovery of planetary thresholds we must not exceed, not just for the stability of our planet, but for the future of humanity. It offers up the solutions we can and must put in place now if we are to protect Earth’s life support systems.

Johan Rockström discusses the film with Sir David Attenborough in a blog on the Netflix Newsroom.

Monday 26 April 2021 David Attenborough did the opening of the first ever Nobel Prize Summit entitled Our Planet Our Future. David’s address was followed by a 5 min piece from the film and a talk from Johan Rockström.

The future’s not determined, the future is in our hands.

The Climate Planet Film

With the Climate Planet film, centuries of climate science are condensed into a 36-minute tour-de-force of compelling and comprehensible facts and visuals, narrated by renowned Danish meteorologist and climate communicator, Jesper Theilgaard. 

The film targets viewers from all walks of life but is especially suitable for the younger generation who will lead us into the coming decades of decisive change. 

Underpinned by a message of hope for a greener and better future, the film leaves audiences with a better understanding of the fundamental conditions for life on Earth and how humans are changing these conditions and also the solutions required over the coming decades.

The movie can be accessed for free upon request for educational purposes, including festivals, events, schools, companies etc. Please contact us for specific inquiries.

What you can do

The surprisingly simple steps we can take to avoid the worst of climate crisis.

We have any number of opportunities to slow down climate change – perhaps even reverse it. The book "If We Act Now" (In Danish "Hvis Vi Vil") offers a glimpse of how to do just that. Not based on wishful thinking, but on sober realism. As the title of the book suggests, it is indeed possible to curb the effects of climate change, if we genuinely want to. This optimistic, enlightening and richly illustrated book takes the reader on a journey around the globe to provide insight into existing solutions to the climate crisis.

More about the Danish book here and the English book here

17 goals.
9 billion people.
1 future.

Stories and perspectives on the SDGs

2030 NOW is an inspirational book about the 17 UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.  

The book features a foreword by Ban Ki-moon, and testimonials from 17 worldfamous figures, who join with 17 artists and 17 inspiring local heroes to share their personal stories and perspectives on the SDGs.

The Climate Planet Experience 2017-2018

A traveling globe

The Climate Planet Experience was a unique cinematic experience, which allowed live audiences in selected European cities to step into a 20-meter tall traveling globe and experience the dramatic evolution of our climate first-hand. Funded by the Climate Planet Foundation and with the help of real-time footage from NASA’s satellites, the globe took 145,000 people on a unique educational journey during 2017-2018. 

The facts and imagery from the Climate Planet Experience has since evolved into the Climate Planet film, enabling the climate education of the traveling globe to reach a much wider audience.

Further information

The Climate Planet Foundation is a non-profit organization on a mission to drive human behaviours towards a better future where our climate, natural resources and ecosystems can help future generations thrive and the Planet to prosper.

You can read more about the Climate Planet Foundation in our policies and annual reports below.

Climate Planet Foundations formålsbestemmelse
Politik for notifikation af Datatilsynet
Uddelinger 2019
Uddelinger 2020
Uddelinger 2021
Uddelinger 2022
Lovpligtig redegørelse om God Fondsledelse 2019
Lovpligtig redegørelse om God Fondsledelse 2020
Lovpligtig redegørelse om God Fondsledelse 2021
Lovpligtig redegørelse om God Fondsledelse 2022
Lovpligtig redegørelse om God Fondsledelse 2023

Board & Advisors

Board members
Torben Wind  (chairman) Technology
Richard Sand  M&A Corporate
Jens Nielsen  Sustainability
Keld Strudahl  Marketing

Preben Mejer, Technology
Jesper Theilgaard,  Climate

Climate Planet Foundation


Fonden Climate Planet Foundation
Lodsvænget 65, 6710 Esbjerg V, Denmark
CVR.nr.: 39205882

Søren Poulsen / CEO

Mette Ginnerup / Project PA

webdesign: nisted-bruun.dk